Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 12 of 366: DIY Acid Washed Ripped Shorts

Out of boredom, and because I realized my denim shorts were all very worn out already, I decided to make one of my own again. This time, acid washed and ripped!

Since this one was just an experiment, and I wasn't sure of how the process would really turn out, I decided to use my first pair of Skinny jeans as the testbed.

The first step is to cut the jeans to your desired length.

My first pair of skinny jeans. Purchased it back in third year highschool
After cutting, prepare your bleaching liquid and vinegar.

Hang the jeans in a hanger and get a pail which you can use for the experiment. Put the inner part of your jeans inside the pail and pour your acid. Soak it for a little while until you see significant changes to your denim.

 Rip the denim by using a sharp material (scissors or cutter will do). In my case, I used a cutter. Rip it horizontally and vertically.

Hang it and let it dry. Voila! You now have your own Acid Washed Ripped Denim Shorts!

Make yours too!



1 comment:

  1. i love how the color turns out.
